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What is TemplateDX?

TemplateDX is a declarative, extensible, and composable type-safe templating engine based on Markdown and JSX. It was originally developed by Puzzlet for PromptDX to enhance the developer experience for applications built with large language models (LLMs). It is inspired by MDX, and resembles a subset of the MDX language.

Why extend Markdown?

TemplateDX extends Markdown's familiar syntax to support complex, structured content needs. Markdown works well for basic content but lacks the flexibility needed for templating, composable components, and organized content. TemplateDX introduces custom components and templating capabilities, enabling document composability, conditional rendering, and variable interpolation while maintaining Markdown’s readability and simplicity. This approach offers a powerful tool for creating dynamic, content-rich documents.

What does it look like?

TemplateDX combines Markdown and JSX into one seamless format.

name: Markdown w/ JSX and Frontmatter
author: Ryan

import SomeMarkdownComponent from './';
import SomeMDXComponent from './my-mdx-component.mdx';

# Hello World

> TemplateDX uses Markdown to make it readable.


## Table

Here's a table

| Item | In Stock | Price |
| :---------------- | :------: | ----: |
| Python Hat | True | 23.99 |
| SQLHat | True | 23.99 |
| Codecademy Tee | False | 19.99 |
| Codecademy Hoodie | False | 42.99 |

## Components

<SomeMarkdownComponent />

<SomeMDXComponent title="Demo" />

## Tags

<If condition={props.isAwesome}>
**TemplateDX Is Awesome!**