Literal Expressions
- Strings:
"How are you?"
,'How are you?'
- Numbers:
- Arrays:
[1, 2, "array"]
- Objects:
{ one: 1, two: 2 }
- Booleans:
Arithmetic Operators
- Addition (
{ 2 + 3 } // Outputs: 5
- Subtraction (
{ 10 - 4 } // Outputs: 6
- Division (
{ 10 / 2 } // Outputs: 5
- Division Remainder (
{ 10 % 3 } // Outputs: 1
- Multiplication (
{ 5 * 4 } // Outputs: 20
- Equal to (
{ 5 == "5" } // Outputs: true
- Not equal to (
{ 5 != "6" } // Outputs: true
- Greater than (
<If condition={ numUsers > 10 }>
<!-- Content for more than 10 users -->
- Greater than or equal to (
<If condition={ score >= 75 }>
<!-- Content for scores 75 and above -->
- Less than (
<If condition={ age < 18 }>
<!-- Content for users under 18 -->
- Less than or equal to (
<If condition={ temperature <= 0 }>
<!-- Content for temperatures at or below freezing -->
Logical Operators
- and (
<If condition={ isActive && hasAccess }>
<!-- Content for active users with access -->
- or (
<If condition={ isAdmin || isModerator }>
<!-- Content for admins or moderators -->
- not (
<If condition={ !isBanned }>
<!-- Content for users who are not banned -->
Example Usage
<If condition={ (age >= 18 && isMember) || hasGuestPass }>
Welcome to the event!
<ElseIf condition={ age >= 18 && !isMember }>
Please consider becoming a member to enjoy full benefits.
Sorry, you must be at least 18 years old to attend.
This expression checks if the user is at least 18 years old and a member, or has a guest pass, to display a welcome message. If the user is 18 or older but not a member, it prompts them to join. Otherwise, it restricts access based on age.