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Here you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions.

Is TemplateDX compliant with the CommonMark specification?

Yes. TemplateDX supports the superset of the CommonMark specification. TemplateDX introduces its own syntactic extensions, which include tags, filters, variables, and components. TemplateDX also supports GitHub-flavored tables.

What is the difference between MDX and TemplateDX?

MDX is a programming language that gets compiled to JavaScript. TemplateDX is a type-safe templating language which compiles to an AST, that later gets stringified to Markdown. Longer-term we expect TemplateDX will support more than just JavaScript.

Can you support other output other than Markdown?

We're focusing mostly on markdown. But it should be easy to have this output formats like HTML. We welcome any pull requests which output to formats other than markdown.

How does TemplateDX relate to PromptDX?

TemplateDX serves as the foundation for PromptDX. PromptDX uses TemplateDX under the hood and builds on top of its plugin ecosystem.

What languages are supported?

Currently we support parse/transform/stringify in TypeScript/JS. We have plans to add support for transform/stringify in other languages, with Python being first.